We Have a Dream

Awake you Mighty Men!

The Lord your God is calling you into relationship and service.

We dream of the day when every man is growing and inspired to use his God-given wisdom and experience to change the world by connecting with other men over 50 in meaningful and fulfilling ways. We dream of connecting men who are passionate about their spiritual growth with God and relationships with like minded men. Men whose hearts are open to the invitation and challenge of discipleship that we are all called to.

We dream of a movement that improves marriages and family relationships. A movement that is steadfast and devoted to family values and cultures that work. We dream of transforming lives that enable men to clarify and act upon their dreams that lead them to restage their lives and to know their gifts.

Our dream is to equip men over 50 to know their gifts, to support/find their purpose, and to improve the lives of their families and the community. We dream of a world where men realize and promote lifetime growth. To Inspire men to purposeful lives that encourage each man to finish life strong.

We dare to dream this and to celebrate who we are today and are committed to fight to be the men we are called to be tomorrow.

We dare to dream this all in the name of Jesus Christ.

~ Hammer


What's Your Endgame?


Thanksgiving Day Meal Delivery